
3.6 KiB
Executable File


This is a fan patch of DASH-DA-DASH DX that has been updated version of the source code available from mulengine.itch.io/ddddx. The original high score board is no longer online, so now it is hosted at ddd.dylanbanta.com with a functional scoreboard available here. The project can also be downloaded so that users can self-host their own copy of the site as a private scoreboard.

The EXE file can be found here: ddddxhs_files/DASH-DA-DASH DX (2023 Fan Patch).exe (SHA256 Checksum: 67ea139fa4721a05a26094d7bba9f3386c8473d7d7450ef762da7bf19ef921e5)

The updated .mfa source file can be found here: ddddxhs_files/DASH-DA-DASH DX (2023 Fan Patch).mfa

Project Overview

This project was made for fun, but it has been repurposed to showcase my usage of git, including creating branches from the original master branch to new sqlite and mysql branches, and then finally merging them back into the master branch. Plus it was a fun challenge to migrate the system to sqlite.

The php and html is not great, but when I created the project I was focused on recreating the website from way back machine with authenticity. I didn't take it too seriously since it was a project I was doing for myself. Perhaps I'll come back and clean it up one day.

Setup Instructions

To set up the project, you can run the setup.sh file or follow the manual instructions in the example.config.cfg file.

Example Configuration File

database="sqlite" #sqlite or mysql

# Connect to your existing mysql database, we will create a single "scores" table with /db/ddd_db.sql

sqlite_password="CHANGE_ME!" #This is used to manage the sqlite database from a ui at /update_db.php

# To use this file, run setup.sh with bash
# or you can use 
# cp example.config.cfg config.cfg 
# If using sqlite (default)
# you can use the existing empty ddd_db.sqlite file
# and manually enter the sqlite_password into the config.cfg file
# for managing the database from /update_db.php
# If using mysql
# cp example.mysqlconnect.php /var/config/mysqlconnect.php
# chmod 755 /var/config/mysqlconnect.php
# the mysqlconnect.php is moved to /var/config to be outside the scope of the end user, 
# you can place it elsewhere if you desire, be sure to update the mysqlconnect_path variable
