using Newtonsoft.Json; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using System.Linq; using System.Security.Cryptography; namespace SendEmail { public partial class Form3 : Form { /* * Form3 is the configuration window for Send2Email */ #region UI // Default info in the info textbox string defaultInfo = "Helpful information about each section will display here when you hover over a textbox with your mouse."; public Form3() { InitializeComponent(); SetInfoBox(defaultInfo); FillData(); } // This will set the info textbox's contents when you hover over an input field private void SetInfoBox(string input) { infoBox.Text = input; } // Fill the input fields with the data from the config file public void FillData() { hostTB.Text = Program.smtp_host; portTB.Text = Program.smtp_port.ToString(); emailTB.Text = Program.smtp_user; passwordTB.Text = Program.Decrypt(Program.smtp_pass); // Decrypt password for display fromTB.Text = Program.mail_from; subjectTB.Text = Program.mail_subject; bodyTB.Text = Program.mail_body; deliveryTB.Text = Program.mail_delivery; extensionsTB.Text = Program.file_extensions; } // Detects when mouse hovers over an input field and calls SetInfoBox() with updated info text private void HoverInfo(object sender, EventArgs e) { TextBox holder = (TextBox)sender; // Hold onto the sender event that triggered HoverInfo() string holdName = holder.Name; // Get the name of the sender that triggered HoverInfo() string output; switch (holdName) // Switch through the possible input fields and sets the output to the correct values { case "hostTB": output = "SMTP Host: SMTP Host. At the time of creation, we utilize Google's SMTP server located at"; break; case "portTB": output = "SMTP Port: SMTP Port"; break; case "emailTB": output = "SMTP Email: The Email Address that is signing into the SMTP server."; break; case "passwordTB": output = "SMTP Password: The password to sign into the SMTP server."; break; case "fromTB": output = "Mail From: This is the email that will be listed in the 'from' section of the recipients email"; break; case "subjectTB": output = "Mail Subject: This is what will be put into the subject line of the email"; break; case "bodyTB": output = "Mail Body: This is what will be put into the body of the email"; break; case "deliveryTB": output = "Mail Delivery: is the message that will appear on screen once the user has successfully emailed themselves"; break; case "extensionsTB": output = "File Extensions: This determines the types of files that will be scraped from the Pictures folder.\r\nSeparate each entry with a comma, you do not need to include the period for any extensions.\r\nDefaults: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp, tif, pdf"; break; default: output = defaultInfo; break; } SetInfoBox(output); // Send the output text to the info textbox } #endregion #region Save/Load Configuration // Save the configuration data, will overwrite existing settings // Save the configuration data, will overwrite existing settings private void SaveConfig(object sender, EventArgs e) { string cfg_host = hostTB.Text; string string_cfg_port = portTB.Text; string cfg_user = emailTB.Text; string cfg_pass = Program.Encrypt(passwordTB.Text); // Encrypt the password string cfg_from = fromTB.Text; string cfg_subject = subjectTB.Text; string cfg_body = bodyTB.Text; string cfg_delivery = deliveryTB.Text; string cfg_extensions = extensionsTB.Text; int cfg_port = Int32.Parse(string_cfg_port); // Create a JSON object with the configuration data Config cfg = new Config(cfg_host, cfg_port, cfg_user, cfg_pass, cfg_from, cfg_subject, cfg_body, cfg_delivery, cfg_extensions); // Serialize the JSON data so it can be written to a text file string[] json = { JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cfg, Formatting.Indented) }; // Write Config file to Program.appPath (default is Appdata/Local/Send2Email) WriteFile(json, Program.configName, Program.configFileExt); // Close Form3 and open Form1 this.Hide(); var form1 = new Form1(); form1.Closed += (s, args) => this.Close(); form1.Show(); } public static bool LoadConfig() // Boolean method, returns true or false to whatever called LoadConfig { // Config filepath in AppData string cfgFilePath = Path.Combine(Program.appPath, Program.configFileName); // Example config filepath in the bin directory of the project string exampleCfgFilePath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "example.cfg.json"); // Check if config file exists in AppData bool cExist = File.Exists(cfgFilePath); if (!cExist) // If a config doesn't exist { // Check if example config exists in the bin directory of the project if (File.Exists(exampleCfgFilePath)) { // Ensure the directory exists if (!Directory.Exists(Program.appPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Program.appPath); } // Copy the example config to the AppData config file path File.Copy(exampleCfgFilePath, cfgFilePath); } else { // Display an error message before closing the application MessageBox.Show("A critical error has occurred. Example configuration file is missing. Please contact IT to resolve this issue."); return false; // Return false for LoadConfig boolean } } // Create an array to store the configuration file line by line string[] cfgFile = ReadFile("cfg", "json"); string cfgData = ConvertStringArray(cfgFile); // Get the first line of our configuration Config config = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(cfgData); Program.smtp_host = config.SMTP_Host; Program.smtp_port = config.SMTP_Port; Program.smtp_user = config.SMTP_User; Program.smtp_pass = config.SMTP_Pass; Program.mail_from = config.Mail_From; Program.mail_body = config.Mail_Body; Program.mail_subject = config.Mail_Subject; Program.mail_delivery = config.Mail_Delivery; Program.file_extensions = config.File_Extensions; return true; } #endregion #region Read/Write Files // Create a string array with the lines of text public static void WriteFile(string[] data, string fileName, string fileExtension) { string temp = ""; string file = fileName + "." + fileExtension; // Write the string array to a new file named fileName + "." + fileExtension using (StreamWriter outputFile = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(Program.appPath, file))) { foreach (string line in data) { temp = line; } outputFile.WriteLine(temp); } } public static string[] ReadFile(string fileName, string fileExtension) { string temp = ""; string file = fileName + "." + fileExtension; string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(Program.appPath, file)); string[] output = new string[lines.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { temp = lines[i]; output[i] = temp; } return output; } /* Takes a multi-line file and turns it into a single-line string * This is really only here because the JSON files are pretty-printed * for human readability, but it's much easier to work with the JSON * data as a single string rather than an array of string data */ public static string ConvertStringArray(string[] input) { string output = ""; foreach (string line in input) // Loop through input and append it to the end of output { output += line; } return output; } #region JSON Config public class Config { public string SMTP_Host { get; set; } public int SMTP_Port { get; set; } public string SMTP_User { get; set; } public string SMTP_Pass { get; set; } public string Mail_From { get; set; } public string Mail_Subject { get; set; } public string Mail_Body { get; set; } public string Mail_Delivery { get; set; } public string File_Extensions { get; set; } public Config(string smtp_host, int smtp_port, string smtp_user, string smtp_pass, string mail_from, string mail_subject, string mail_body, string mail_delivery, string file_extensions) { SMTP_Host = smtp_host; SMTP_Port = smtp_port; SMTP_User = smtp_user; SMTP_Pass = smtp_pass; Mail_From = mail_from; Mail_Subject = mail_subject; Mail_Body = mail_body; Mail_Delivery = mail_delivery; File_Extensions = file_extensions; } } #endregion #endregion } }