/* PARSE - LAST MIDI MESSAGE RECEIVED - Midi monitor. */ ;************************************************* ;* MIDI INPUT PARSE FUNCTION ;* ;************************************************* ; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no edit below here .... MidiMsgDetect(hInput, midiMsg, wMsg) ; Midi input section in "under the hood" calls this function each time a midi message is received. Then the midi message is broken up into parts for manipulation. See http://www.midi.org/techspecs/midimessages.php (decimal values). { global statusbyte, chan, note, cc, byte1, byte2, stb statusbyte := midiMsg & 0xFF ; EXTRACT THE STATUS BYTE (WHAT KIND OF MIDI MESSAGE IS IT?) chan := (statusbyte & 0x0f) + 1 ; WHAT MIDI CHANNEL IS THE MESSAGE ON? byte1 := (midiMsg >> 8) & 0xFF ; THIS IS DATA1 VALUE = NOTE NUMBER OR CC NUMBER byte2 := (midiMsg >> 16) & 0xFF ; DATA2 VALUE IS NOTE VELEOCITY OR CC VALUE pitchb := (byte2 << 7) | byte1 ;(midiMsg >> 8) & 0x7F7F masking to extract the pbs if statusbyte between 176 and 191 ; test for cc stb := "CC" ; if so then set stp to cc if statusbyte between 144 and 159 stb := "NoteOn" if statusbyte between 128 and 143 stb := "NoteOff" if statusbyte between 224 and 239 stb := "PitchB" gosub, ShowMidiInMessage ; show updated midi input message on midi monitor gui. gosub, MidiRules ; run the label in file MidiRules.ahk Edit that file. } ; end of MidiMsgDetect funciton Return ;************************************************* ;* SHOW MIDI INPUT ON GUI MONITOR ;************************************************* ShowMidiInMessage: ; update the midimonitor gui Gui,14:default Gui,14:ListView, In1 ; see the first listview midi in monitor LV_Add("",stb,statusbyte,chan,byte1,byte2) LV_ModifyCol(1,"center") LV_ModifyCol(2,"center") LV_ModifyCol(3,"center") LV_ModifyCol(4,"center") LV_ModifyCol(5,"center") If (LV_GetCount() > 10) { LV_Delete(1) } return ;************************************************* ;* SHOW MIDI OUTPUT ON GUI MONITOR ;************************************************* ShowMidiOutMessage: ; update the midimonitor gui Gui,14:default Gui,14:ListView, Out1 ; see the second listview midi out monitor LV_Add("",stb,statusbyte,chan,byte1,byte2) LV_ModifyCol(1,"center") LV_ModifyCol(2,"center") LV_ModifyCol(3,"center") LV_ModifyCol(4,"center") LV_ModifyCol(5,"center") If (LV_GetCount() > 10) { LV_Delete(1) } return ;************************************************* ;* MIDI MONITOR GUI CODE ;************************************************* midiMon: ; midi monitor gui with listviews gui,14:destroy gui,14:default gui,14:add,text, x80 y5, Midi Input ; %TheChoice% Gui,14:Add, DropDownList, x40 y20 w140 Choose%TheChoice% vMidiInPort gDoneInChange altsubmit, %MiList% ; ( gui,14:add,text, x305 y5, Midi Ouput ; %TheChoice2% Gui,14:Add, DropDownList, x270 y20 w140 Choose%TheChoice2% vMidiOutPort gDoneOutChange altsubmit , %MoList% Gui,14:Add, ListView, x5 r11 w220 Backgroundblack caqua Count10 vIn1, EventType|StatB|Ch|Byte1|Byte2| gui,14:Add, ListView, x+5 r11 w220 Backgroundblack cyellow Count10 vOut1, Event|Value| gui,14:Show, autosize xcenter y5, MidiMonitor Return