- Add mapping for buttons 1 to 32

- Scale axis values, rather than just clamping
- Display actual actions, not dummy MIDI Out stuff
- Handle Note On with 0 velocity as a Note Off
- Fix MIDI rule dispatching ("between" doesn't work in an expression-style if
- Init all max value variables as globals
This commit is contained in:
Laurence Dougal Myers 2014-01-27 15:42:59 +11:00
parent b450a06cc6
commit bfc8dc51be
4 changed files with 50 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -4,37 +4,37 @@
The MidiRules section is for modifying midi input from some other source.
The MidiRules section is for mapping MIDI input to actions.
Alter these functions as required.
; *** New rule handler functions ***
ProcessNote(device, channel, note, velocity, isNoteOn) {
Add your own note filters here.
global iInterface
if (isNoteOn and note == 20)
; Clamp the velocity to 80
if (velocity > 80) {
velocity := 80
gosub, SendNote ; send the note out.
if (note >= 1 and note <= 32) {
VJoy_SetBtn(isNoteOn, iInterface, note)
button_state_text := isNoteOn ? "On" : "Off"
DisplayOutput("Button " + button_state_text, note)
ProcessCC(device, channel, cc, value) {
global AxisMax_X, max_cc_val, iInterface, HID_USAGE_X
global iInterface, HID_USAGE_X, HID_USAGE_Y, AxisMax_X, AxisMax_Y
if (cc == 7) {
new_axis_value := ConvertCCValueToAxis(value, 127, AxisMax_X)
scaled_value := ConvertCCValueToScale(value, 8, 120)
new_axis_value := ConvertToAxis(scaled_value, AxisMax_X)
VJoy_SetAxis(new_axis_value, iInterface, HID_USAGE_X)
DisplayOutput("Axis X", ConvertCCValue(value, 127))
DisplayOutput("Axis X", scaled_value)
} else if (cc == 27) {
scaled_value := ConvertCCValueToScale(value, 8, 112)
new_axis_value := ConvertToAxis(scaled_value, AxisMax_Y)
VJoy_SetAxis(new_axis_value, iInterface, HID_USAGE_Y)
DisplayOutput("Axis Y", scaled_value)
ProcessPC(device, channel, note, velocity) {
ProcessPitchBend(device, channel, value) {

View File

@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ gui,14:add,text, x305 y5, Midi Ouput ; %TheChoice2%
Gui,14:Add, DropDownList, x270 y20 w140 Choose%TheChoice2% vMidiOutPort gDoneOutChange altsubmit , %MoList%
Gui,14:Add, ListView, x5 r11 w220 Backgroundblack caqua Count10 vIn1, EventType|StatB|Ch|Byte1|Byte2|
gui,14:Add, ListView, x+5 r11 w220 Backgroundblack cyellow Count10 vOut1, Event|Value|
LV_ModifyCol(1, 105)
LV_ModifyCol(2, 110)
gui,14:Show, autosize xcenter y5, MidiMonitor
@ -117,19 +119,14 @@ Return
; MIDI Rules dispatcher
if (statusbyte between 128 and 143) { ; Note off
ProcessNote(0, chan, byte1, byte2, false)
if (statusbyte between 144 and 159) { ; Note on
ProcessNote(0, chan, byte1, byte2, true)
if (statusbyte between 176 and 191) { ; CC
if (statusbyte >= 128 and statusbyte <= 159) { ; Note off/on
isNoteOn := (statusbyte >= 144 or byte2 == 0)
ProcessNote(0, chan, byte1, byte2, isNoteOn)
} else if (statusbyte >= 176 and statusbyte <= 191) { ; CC
ProcessCC(0, chan, byte1, byte2)
if (statusbyte between 192 and 208) { ; PC
} else if (statusbyte >= 192 and statusbyte <= 208) { ; PC
ProcessPC(0, chan, byte1, byte2)
if (statusbyte between 224 and 239) { ; Pitch bend
} else if (statusbyte >= 224 and statusbyte <= 239) { ; Pitch bend
ProcessPitchBend(0, chan, pitchb)
; Maybe TODO: Key aftertouch, channel aftertouch,

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ if A_OSVersion in WIN_NT4,WIN_95,WIN_98,WIN_ME ; if not xp or 2000 quit
version = midi_to_joy_2
AxisMax_X := VJoy_GetVJDAxisMax(iInterface, HID_USAGE_X)
gosub VJoyInitMaxValues
readini() ; load values from the ini file, via the readini function - see Midi_under_the_hood.ahk file
gosub, MidiPortRefresh ; used to refresh the input and output port lists - see Midi_under_the_hood.ahk file
port_test(numports,numports2) ; test the ports - check for valid ports? - see Midi_under_the_hood.ahk file
@ -46,6 +46,19 @@ gosub, midiMon ; see below - a monitor gui - see Midi_In_and_Gu
global AxisMax_X, AxisMax_Y, AxisMax_Z, AxisMax_RX, AxisMax_RY, AxisMax_RZ, AxisMax_SL0, AxisMax_SL1, AxisMax_WHL
AxisMax_X := VJoy_GetVJDAxisMax(iInterface, HID_USAGE_X)
AxisMax_Y := VJoy_GetVJDAxisMax(iInterface, HID_USAGE_Y)
AxisMax_Z := VJoy_GetVJDAxisMax(iInterface, HID_USAGE_Z)
AxisMax_RX := VJoy_GetVJDAxisMax(iInterface, HID_USAGE_RX)
AxisMax_RY := VJoy_GetVJDAxisMax(iInterface, HID_USAGE_RY)
AxisMax_RZ := VJoy_GetVJDAxisMax(iInterface, HID_USAGE_RZ)
AxisMax_SL0 := VJoy_GetVJDAxisMax(iInterface, HID_USAGE_SL0)
AxisMax_SL1 := VJoy_GetVJDAxisMax(iInterface, HID_USAGE_SL1)
AxisMax_WHL := VJoy_GetVJDAxisMax(iInterface, HID_USAGE_WHL)
#Include Midi_In_and_GuiMonitor.ahk ; this file contains: the function to parse midi message into parts we can work with and a midi monitor.
#Include MidiRules.ahk ; this file contains: Rules for manipulating midi input then sending modified midi output.
#Include Midi_under_the_hood.ahk ; this file contains: (DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE) all the dialogs to set up midi ports and midi message handling.

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@ -5,22 +5,21 @@ DisplayOutput(event, value) {
If (LV_GetCount() > 10)
ConvertCCValueToAxis(value, maximum_value, maximum_axis_value) {
return Floor(ConvertCCValue(value, maximum_value) * maximum_axis_value)
ConvertToAxis(value, maximum_axis_value) {
return Floor(value * maximum_axis_value)
ConvertCCValue(value, maximum_value) {
ConvertCCValueToScale(value, minimum_value, maximum_value) {
if (value > maximum_value) {
value := maximum_value
} else if (value < minimum_value) {
value := minimum_value
return (value / maximum_value)
return (value - minimum_value) / (maximum_value - minimum_value)